S o you decide to park up on the curb by the florist, eh? Well, as you do so, you notice what appears to be lightning streaming out from the shop. Curiously, you look out the passenger-side window and observe a large ball of wind and electricity opening taller and wider! In a panic, you try to drive the truck away, but it is to late- You are being pulled torward the large, growing ball! You can't tell if it is the wind sucking you into it, or if it is electromagnetic, pulling your truck in like it was made of iron filings. "Probably a little of both." You think to yourself. In a desperate attempt to save yourself, you get your window down and see two things outside that you could grab hold of if you jumped from your truck- a concrete lightpost, and a federal mailbox. it would be easier to catch the mailbox, but the lightpost is more steady.
No more time to think! Which do you jump for?

The Lightpost?

Or the Mailbox?