The life & times of the Storyteller
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I was born in Memphis Tennessee on November 21st, 1973. -It's pretty much all been going downhill from there. I live on the outskirts of Nashville these days, but I've lived back and forth bettween the two cities so many times that I can't always remember which one I'm in. To complicate that, I've always felt in my heart that I'm suposed to live in Denver. -And of course, I've spent 3 1/2 months recently backpacking all around Europe. So yes, I'm a very confused boy.
At least I finally figured out what I want to do with my life. I'm a writer. Not that I've written anything yet, mind you, but writing is a career that one also has to have a suporting career in place first to be able to afford this career. So, I guess I'm a 'puter nerd by trade. If you can afford me, my resume is available for download, just click on the word or link at left. I'm pretty handy to have around, and this web programming stuff is the least of my abilities. (Did I mention that I made 100% of this entire website for free?) Anyway, I someday hope to have enough money, somehow, to live all over the world and just write my novels. I don't dislike Tennesse, but afterall, it is only one place. Now that I've seen what else is out there, I just feel a calling in my blood to see as much as I can, and find out exactly where it is that I belong. I may just wind up back at home in Tennessee someday, then again, how will I know that it's home if I don't check everywhere else first? As far as my writing career goes, my passion is in the area of future prediction. It looks like Ray Bradbury's kind of stuff, however it looks more like Michael Crichton in style. Read my meaning of life for more on that subject. |