Good. It gladdens me to see that you are using your noodle and making your strenght work for you. The first thing that you will need is a mask. "No problem," you think to yourself, "Got an old ski-mask in the glove compartment." Briefly you think about getting a gun to scare off people chaseing you, or to protecting yourself from other people with guns, but you never would be able to forgive yourself if someone got hurt by your hand- "No, no guns." you tell yourself outloud.

So how do you want to do it? One big, risky bank job? Or a lot of smaller, safer muggings? If you try to take a bank, you would need a lot more power than just a hyper-annoying stench, you might have to find some way to boost the stench to an incredible degree that immobilizes anyone anywhere near..... Hhmm.

So which will it be? A Series of Muggings?

Or go find a way to boost your power and take a bank?